Whether you want to coach full or part-time, want to build a large or small business, have an idea of who you want to coach, or how much money you want to make – Everyone starts in the same place. First you have to develop and hone your coaching skills. That’s how you become a world-class, efficient, effective, coaching power-house!
Sure, it’s who you are that gets you hired, but it’s how well you coach that determines how long your clients will work with you. Build your career for maximum impact and personal success!
Just like any great adventure, you want to be sure you bring the right equipment to support you, and that’s exactly what Impact Coaching Academy does best: We help you define and grow YOU into becoming your greatest asset.
You have to begin wherever you are, of course, and that makes finding the perfect path challenging. You need options that fit, prices that are affordable, and business building support. You want classes that light you up, challenge you, and equip you with what you need to help your clients become raving fans!
Whether you’re ready to dive into a fully accredited, comprehensive program, or whether you want to begin with just a few hours a month and a few dollars a week, we’ve got you covered. Check it out, Impact is here to help!
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